I'm Mauro, a cat dad, gamer, and software testing advocate.

Hey there, I'm Mauro, a software engineer mentor deeply involved in Open Source and giving back to the community. You'll often find me sharing insights on good software practices and guiding aspiring developers on platforms like Mentora. When I'm not doing that, I'm joining forces with friends to help out at social institutions, lending a hand to those in need here in Brazil. Oh, and I've also given talks on stuff like mobile development, nifty software testing tricks, and the basics of programming, all to help others level up their skills.

Clojure Web API Starter Pack: Your Friendly Neighborhood Boilerplate. 🚀

Hey there, fellow developer! Looking to kickstart your web API journey with Clojure? Look no further! Our humble boilerplate is here to lend a hand. Its packed with all the essentials you need to get your API off the ground – simple routing, modular architecture, and handy middleware. Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, this friendly toolkit has got you covered. So why wait? Give it a spin, and lets build some awesome APIs together!

Rethinking Agile: A Focus on Mindset Over Methods

Agility transcends mere speed, it embodies the flexibility of your approach. Its not solely about reaching a destination but rather navigating the journey with adaptability and collaboration.

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  1. Company
    Senior Software Engineer
  2. Company
    Banco ABC
    Full Stack Developer
  3. Company
    Senior Software Engineer
  4. Company
    Control iD
    Full Stack Developer
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